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The Elephant Sanctuary: Beware! Not all Elephant Excursions in Thailand are Created Equally

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If you’re planning a trip to Thailand and dreaming of an encounter with these majestic beings- and trust me, no trip to Thailand is complete without it!- it’s essential to do your homework. While Thailand offers a zillion options for elephant excursions, not all are created equally. Let’s delve into the world of ETHICAL elephant sanctuaries and responsible tourism practices in Thailand.

Responsible Tourism in Thailand: Ethical Elephant Sanctuaries

Real talk. Elephants aren’t meant to do tricks. Or paint. Or balance on their noses. You get the jist. They aren’t meant to be exploited for entertainment. Period. They’re intelligent, sentient beings with complex emotions and social structures. Unfortunately, the elephant tourism industry in Thailand has a dark side, with many elephants enduring harsh training methods, physical abuse, and long hours of labor.

Enter ethical elephant sanctuaries – havens of compassion and care for rescued elephants. One shining example is the Phuket Elephant Sanctuary, founded in 2015 by an animal activist and a philanthropist. This sanctuary provides a safe haven for elephants rescued from exploitation in the tourism and logging industries. Here, elephants are free to roam, socialize, and live out their days in peace, without the threat of abuse or exploitation.

Should I Ride Elephants in Thailand?

Elephants aren’t meant to be ridden- and definitely not by multiple people at a time all day long.

We now understand the physical toll that riders take on an elephant’s spine, back, and skin, and stress levels are shown to increase in elephants that have had riders in the past.

They’re not attractions either, meant to be waiting for you to feed them or bathe them. These may sound like thrilling experiences on the surface, but they come at steep costs to the welfare of these magnificent creatures. Nearly ALL ‘attraction’ elephants endure terrible harsh training methods, physical abuse, and long hours of labor.

By participating in elephant rides, you are unwittingly contributing to the suffering and exploitation of these gentle giants.

Green Elephant Sanctuary Parks in Thailand

Thankfully, there’s a brighter alternative: green elephant sanctuary parks. These parks offer visitors the opportunity to observe and interact with elephants in their natural habitat, without the need for riding or performance tricks. At sanctuaries like the Phuket Elephant Sanctuary, guests can witness elephants roaming freely, interacting with each other, bathing in mud pits, and foraging for food – all while respecting their space and dignity.

In 2015, an animal activist teamed up with a wealthy Thai philanthropist to start the country’s first ethical sanctuary for these majestic beasts to live out the remainder of their lives, whether it’s a year or 10. The main goal? For these rescued seniors to finally ‘know true happiness.’

Each elephant is assigned their own mahout, or caregiver. Except unlike their previous mahouts, these never ride them. Or poke them. Or shock them. Or chain them to anything. They simply ensure their wellbeing, around the clock. Preparing their food, offering companionship (since they were raised with humans, they would suffer more if it was taken away), prioritizing their health and safety.

When it comes to elephant excursions in Thailand, please, PLEASE choose wisely. Opt for ethical elephant sanctuaries that prioritize the welfare of their resident elephants and promote responsible tourism practices. By supporting these sanctuaries, you can help create a brighter future for Thailand’s elephants and ensure that your travel experiences align with your values. Let’s make every journey an ethical one – for the elephants and for our planet. 🐘💚

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